There is Always Another New Beginning

Mischa Skolnik Troy
3 min readApr 16, 2021
Springtime Oak

I always say, it is never too late to “try again” — because that is the damn truth. Life is a series of cycles; start, stop, succeed, fail, try again. We all experience countless new beginnings in our lives, though we don’t always recognize them as such. Today is another new beginning for me.

I started a Wordpress blog in my early twenties, called Ideas for a New World. It was where I first began writing my thoughts about how to live life in the best way. It’s where I ranted about issues that upset me and where I celebrated life lessons and new discoveries about myself. My writing started to taper off somewhere between the long weekends of partying and the extended working hours of my budding adult life. Somewhere in my late twenties, I decided to become “more professional” and start writing a blog on my barely functional, but still seemingly more professional website. That didn’t last very long either… as I got discouraged by my lack of readership and questioned the “professionalism” of my musings. Yet again, I picked up another medium. I began writing all my insights and inspiring content on Facebook and Instagram, with seemingly more success. People finally started reading what I was writing, and validating my shares with little hearts and thumbs up symbols. Sure, maybe I was getting 1–3 comments on a good day — but that was reinforcement enough to feel like my voice had found its virtual home. I’ve spent years casually sharing my thoughts in tiny snippets beneath mediocre photographs and through short impromptu videos. At this point, even Instagram has lost its luster for me. Once Tik-Tok came on the scene and Instagram’s algorithm started favoring dance videos and booty pics, I knew my glory days were in the past (or so I thought).

If I taught myself anything from my countless musings on mindful living, it is that there is always another chance to begin again. Each day, we rise to greet a new dawn. There is always the possibility that we will finally succeed at something we’ve been working at. There is always a fresh start within arm’s reach, though the distance between the brain synapses that shows us that may feel thousands of miles away. And here I am again, after months of feeling discouraged about my lacking social media presence and unsure of the best outlet for sharing my wisdom with the world. “Hineini,” — I am here, naming myself and showing up in the simplest way I know how, to a new opportunity to begin again. Maybe this is it. Maybe this is the “big break” I’ve been praying for. Maybe this is the place I will feel comfortable sharing my best ideas. Maybe there are a handful of people here who will value what I have to say. Just maybe, this Medium will give me the kind of inspiration and satisfaction I’ve been looking for, to keep me writing and sharing. If any of those things come to fruition, it will be fantastic. And even if I find myself down and discouraged a year from now, just beginning again will have been enough.

I hope you — whoever you Blessed Soul are that found this first post — will stick around for more. Let me know you are there. Please ask me your questions and I’ll do my best to answer in the most accurate and engaging ways. If nothing more, may this be a little inspiration for you. It is never too late to try again and there is always a new beginning. What are you ready to try again? What does your heart yearn to do, despite discouragement from the past or fear of the future? Whatever it is, today might be your day to start fresh and take a step toward it.



Mischa Skolnik Troy

Sharing my musings about weddings, marriage, relationships, spirituality, and the human experience.